
We need more midwives and for that, we also need big-hearted women who are generous enough to share their birth spaces with those of us who are learning this art. In exchange, we offer a familiar face and a constant presence that you can rely on.
Claire De Vaney

My name is Claire Devaney.
I was born and raised in Perth. Shortly after finishing university I travelled the world, living in London, Melbourne and eventually landing in Germany where I started the busy work of raising my three small children.
I started attending births as an interpreter for english-speaking women in my community of Stuttgart, Germany. My role was to watch and listen, and interact only when needed. I learned to predict when I would be useful, and how to pay attention but never interrupt. The calmer and quieter I was, the better things seemed to work for everybody.
It wasn't until I had silently sat through a handful of births, doing nothing much more than fetching the occasional birth ball or cooling a sweaty brow, that I wondered what being a 'doula' involved.
I undertook doula training after the birth of my third baby and it turned out that everything I already knew from sitting at the feet of birthing women was the perfect foundation for my doula practice.
In 2024 I commenced a Masters of Midwifery at Curtin University. I care deeply about women's rights in the birth space and as a student of Midwifery, I care about access to evidence-based information and empathetic care.
Certified Holistic Doula - The Matrona
Breech 101 - Breech Without Borders
Trauma-Informed Birth & Postpartum Doula and Educator certification - Rooted Midwifery
Birth Keeper Cohort - The Matrona
Gilligan's Guide Training
Humanising Birth: Launching Critical Midwifery Studies - University of Utrecht
Child Birth Physiology - Dr Rachel Reed
Better Births Workshop: Birth Rights in Australia
Birth Map Cartography - Catherine Bell
Mother's Blessing Celebrant - Emma Ashworth
Consent: Birth Rights Workshop - Developing Doulas UK
Birth Rights Workshop - Birthrights.co.uk
Fetal Monitoring for Birth Workers - Dr Kirstin Small
Strength to Progress Conference, Perth
Birth after Caesarean workshop - Dr Hazel Keedle
Masters of Midwifery - Curtin University
2024 -2026
Birth Mapping
Physiological labour and birth support
VBAC planning
Perth Metropolitan Area, SOR
German speakers
Please get in touch and arrange an half hour chat.
Tell me:
where you live
what your due date is
a little about why you are seeking support from a student midwife.
PHONE / WhatsApp
0413 962 504
Based in East Victoria Park