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supported hospital birth

We need more midwives and for that, we also need big-hearted women who are generous enough to share their birth spaces with those of us who are learning this art. In exchange, we offer a familiar face and a constant presence that you can rely on.

Claire De Vaney 



My name is Claire Devaney.

I was born and raised in Perth. Shortly after finishing university I travelled the world, living in London, Melbourne and eventually landing in Germany where I started the busy work of raising my three small children. 

I started attending births as an interpreter for english-speaking women in my community of Stuttgart, Germany. My role was to watch and listen, and interact only when needed. I learned to predict when I would be useful, and how to pay attention but never interrupt. The calmer and quieter I was, the better things seemed to work for everybody. 


It wasn't until I had silently sat through a handful of births, doing nothing much more than fetching the occasional birth ball or cooling a sweaty brow, that I wondered what being a 'doula' involved. 


I undertook doula training after the birth of my third baby and it turned out that everything I already knew from sitting at the feet of birthing women was the perfect foundation for my doula practice. 


In 2024 I commenced a Masters of Midwifery at Curtin University. I care deeply about women's rights in the birth space and as a student of Midwifery, I care about access to evidence-based information and empathetic care. 


What is the difference between a midwife and a doula?





Certified Holistic Doula - The Matrona 

Breech 101 - Breech Without Borders

Trauma-Informed Birth & Postpartum Doula and Educator certification - Rooted Midwifery 

Birth Keeper Cohort - The Matrona 

Gilligan's Guide Training

Humanising Birth: Launching Critical Midwifery Studies - University of Utrecht 

Child Birth Physiology - Dr Rachel Reed 

Better Births Workshop: Birth Rights in Australia 

Birth Map Cartography - Catherine Bell

Mother's Blessing Celebrant - Emma Ashworth

Consent: Birth Rights Workshop - Developing Doulas UK

Birth Rights Workshop - 

Fetal Monitoring for Birth Workers - Dr Kirstin Small 

Strength to Progress Conference, Perth 

Birth after Caesarean workshop - Dr Hazel Keedle

Masters of Midwifery - Curtin University

2024 -2026


  • Birth Mapping

  • Physiological labour and birth support 

  • VBAC planning 

  • Perth Metropolitan Area, SOR

  • German speakers

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Melanie - Doula Services Client 

“Claire is passionate about caring for women during this incredible and unfamiliar period in their lives. She is incredibly knowledgeable and well-read on current research and believes in enabling women to feel confident in their choices.  Claire empowers women to find their own unique path for an informed pregnancy and positive birth environment. "



Please get in touch and arrange an half hour chat.

Tell me:

  • where you live

  • what your due date is 

  • a little about why you are seeking support from a student midwife.  

PHONE / WhatsApp

0413 962 504


Thanks for submitting!

Based in East Victoria Park 


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© 2023 by Claire Devaney secured by Wix

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